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Frontend Installation


Software Environment

You need PHP 7.4 for Frontend. Unfortunately, other versions of PHP haven't been supported.

We recommend MySQL 8.0 for better experience. Theoretically, MySQL5.x and MariaDB will also work well.

Installation Procedure


Document will only work if you follow every section and step precisely. Do NOT continue after something fails!

  1. After purchasing the program, you will receive a download link for the source code. Download it to the root directory of your website and unzip it.

  2. Copy the configuration file .example.env, rename it to .env, and fill in the settings.

  3. If you are a Personal Edition (offline authorization) user, please write in the license before proceeding.

  4. Go to PHP settings, remove the prohibition on the putenv function, and install the fileinfo and ioncube extensions.

    For users of the BT panel, go to Software Store -> PHP7.4 Settings
    Disabled Functions -> Remove putenv and proc_open
    Install Extensions -> Install fileinfo and ioncube
    If ioncube was previously installed, it is recommended to uninstall and then reinstall it to update to the latest version. BT Crack users need to manually update after installing the extension. What to do?

  5. Go to the website's root directory and execute the following command:

    wget -O composer.phar
    php composer.phar
    php composer.phar install

    If multiple PHP versions are installed on the server, please ensure that the command line is using PHP 7.4.

  6. Set the website's running directory to /public and configure the pseudo-static to

    location ~* (runtime|application)/{    
        return 403;
    location / {
        if (!-e $request_filename){
            rewrite  ^(.*)$  /index.php?s=$1  last;   break;
  7. Execute the command in the website's root directory to import the database.

    php think migrate:run

    If an error occurs during the installation process, please check if the database information in the .env file is correct.

  8. Execute the following command in the website's root directory to register an administrator user.
    The angle brackets are placeholders for required variables, please do not include them in the actual command.php think register <email> <username> <password>

  9. Set the permissions of the entire website directory to 755, and the owner to www (or the corresponding user).

  10. At this point, you can open the website and check if it is running properly.